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发布时间:2012-07-18 11:06:14

   I was only about six that he held his hand                 1. _________________

out to me. I took it in me and we walked. Then                2. _________________

I ask him, “Grandpa, how come you have                    3. _________________

so much lines on your hand?” he laughed and                 4. _________________

said, “Well, that’s a big question!” He was                    5. _________________

silent for a moment. So he answered slowly:                  6. _________________

“Each these lines stands for a trouble in my                   7. _________________

life.” I looked at his other hand. “But Grandpa,                8. _________________

what do you have more lines on that one?”                   9. _________________

“Because there are more the honors and joys                  10. _________________

in my life.”







1. that — when 2. me —mine 3. ask — asked 4. much — many  5.    6.  So — Then / And 7. Each these 加上 of 8. hands — hand9. what — why   10. the 去掉

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