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发布时间:2012-07-12 17:49:45




1. “What were you trying to prove to the police?”  “_____ I was last night.”

A. That         B. When         C. Where            D. What

分析:此题应选 C,其余三项均有可能误选。做对此题的关键是要明确答语部分为省略句,若将其补充完整,即为:I was trying to prove to the police where I was last night. 其中where 引导的是一个宾语从句。请再看以下类似试题:

(1) “What made her so happy?”  “____her son passed the college entrance examinations.”

A. That        B. 不填         C. Since         D. For

此题选A,若将其补充完整,即为:That her son passed the college entrance examinations made her so happy.

(2) “What made you so upset?” “_____ my wallet.”

A. Lost         B. Losing       C. Having lost        D. Being lost

此题选B,若将其补充完整,即为:Losing my wallet made me so upset.

(3) “What did she tell you?” “_____ she would be late”

A. That               B. When            C. Where             D. Whether

此题选A,若将其补充完整,即为:She told me that she would be late.

2. I want to improve my English, but I don’t know _____. What can you suggest?

A. when             B. how           C. why          D. where

分析:此题应选 B,其余三项均有可能误选,其实此句为省略句,若将此句补充完整,即为:…but I don’t know how to improve my English. 请看以下类似试题:

(1) I think the door is locked, but I’d better go and make sure it ____.

A. does            B. has            C. was            D. is

答案选D,为 …and make sure it is locked 之省略。

(2) Dr Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I can’t remember _____.

A. where            B. there            C. which             D. that

答案选C,为I can’t remember which city he comes from 之省略。

(3) He didn’t sell half as many computers as he thought he _____.

A. had          B. was          C. would          D. sold

答案选C,为He didn’t sell half as many computers as he thought he would sell 之省略。

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