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发布时间:2012-06-28 17:28:25

51. Many people were________ from our hotel during May Day holidays because all the rooms in our hotel had been engaged.

      A. turned over             B. turned out           C. turned away         D. turned in

52. __________ , he is not yet ready to turn professional.

     A. Gifted though is he                              B. Gifted as is he 

  C. Gifted as he is                                 D. Though is he gifted

53. My goodness, how lucky we are! If there had been p1aces for us on the aero plane, we _____dead now.

      A. will be                 B. would be               C. would have been         D. had been

54.Wait until we get a satisfactory reply, will you?

   I couldn't agree_______ . The idea sounds great to me.

   A. much                   B. worse                 C. more                      D. at all

55.It's important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the _________ in language studies.

      A. situation                B. expression          C. condition              D. translation

56. The World Health Organization warned that Asian countries __________ attentive to bird flu since Asia ___________ got rid of the disease completely.

      A. should keep; has                            B. must remain; has not

C. ought to stay; has been                      D. shall be; has not been

57. There are many interesting books_________ , but I'm at a loss which to borrow.

      A. to choose               B. for choosing       C. to be chosen           D. to choose from

58. How _____ Zhang Ning  performed in the badminton singles final! She won another Olympic gold medal for China.

      A. A. slimly              B. eventually           C. splendidly             D. anxiously

59. _____ lie in the sun for too long, _______ you will get sunburnt.

      A. Not; and                B. Don’t; otherwise  C. Shouldn’t; for       D. Let’s not; and

60. Oh, it's you. I__________ you. Why are you looking so thin and pale?

I've been ill for weeks and still under treatment.

      A. can't recognize                                  B. could hardly recognize  

      C. haven't recognized                               D. wasn't  recognizing

61. Some doctors were sent to the front where medical workers were __________.

   A. in great need   B in desperate need of   C needed great   D needed in

62. ——The police have caught the murderer.

   ——Yes, and he admitted ___________his boss on a rainy night seven years ago.

   A. to kill    B to have killed   C having killing   D have been killed

63. ——Did you reach the top of the mountain?

   —— Yes. Even I myself didn’t believe I could make__________.

    A. that          B. it          C. myself         D. them
64. The Chinese are good at table tennis ___________the English are interested in football.

    A. if         B. as          C. while          D. since
65. Was it in front of the market____________ the road accident happened yesterday?

A. where        B. that        C. which        D. why

66. ——I’m sorry that I didn’t work out this problem.

   ——It’s ___________our ability. I didn’t work it out, too. 

   A. over         B. beyond         C. more than         D. above

67. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing. People ___________to ask how I am

going to _____________ spend the money.

A. had phoned          B. will phone         C. were phoning         D. are phoning

68. He didn’t like coffee __________tea, but water.

   A. and       B or        C. but         D. with

69. It is better to ask someone for advice rather than ___________something.

A. risk doing       B. risk to do        C. to risk doing        D. to risk to do

70. ——Your neighbors may __________you with playing your radio too loudly at night.

 ——I know. They never say anything that ___________ me especially.

A. accuse, appeals to     B.  charge, appeal to      C. charge, appeals to      D. blame, appeals to
71. I spoke that slowly but I didn’t __________my meaning __________.

A. come…across         B. get…across          C. get…about         D. get…ahead

72. If _________, the bird flu would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patients.

A. not treat         B not treated         C untreated          D. Both B and C

73. Johnny is a great dancer; he __________above the rest for his perfect performance.

A. stands by         B stands for         C stands out        D. makes for

74. This race was her last chance to win a place on the national team so everything was __________.

 A. dangerous         B. in stake         C. at stake         D. in charge

75. He studied very hard all the time because he didn’t want to __________in his studies.

 A. fall behind         B. be left behind          C. left behind        D. Both A and B

76. ________ opening ceremony of the 28th Beijing Olympic Games really gave the world _________ big surprise. ....

A. 不填; a             B. The; the           C.  The; a              D. 不填; the

77. ---This passage is difficult for me. Could you please explain it to me?

---I’m afraid I have to say sorry, but the book is ________ my understanding.

A. beyond              B. over                  C. above                D. off

78. For most Americans, their 18th birthday ________ the end of one part of their life and the beginning of another.

A. predicts                     B. tells            C. marks               D. signs

79. Mr. Wang, who is said to have immigrated to the USA, ________ at No.2 Middle School in our city for twenty years.

A. has been teaching           B. was teaching             C. taught               D. has taught

80. I’m sorry I can’t spare any ink for you, for, you see, I have __________ myself.

 A. nothing                      B. no one                      C. no                    D. none

81. ---How often do you visit your granny in the village?

---I feel ashamed. Just __________.

A. often                  B. by accident               C. once in a while          D. all of a sudden

82. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _________, refusing them when they turn to him.

A. if never                      B. if ever                      C. if not                       D. if any

83. The situation is _________ --- we have no food, very little water and no medical supplies.

A. desperate                   B. adventurous                     C. deserted                   D. optimistic

84. ---But for your timely warning, we __________ into great trouble.

---Well, you know we’re friends.

A. would get            B. must have got           C. would have got                D. can’t have got

85. With Shanghai World Expo drawing near, volunteers are making use of every minute to ________ their foreign language because language volunteers must pass a written test and an interview.

A. polish up                         B. take up                     C. put up                      D. make up

86. The word “media” basically refers to _________ we commonly call newspapers, magazines,

radios and televisions.

A. which               B. that                   C. what                 D. where

87. The company made it a rule that any application form ___________ properly will not be accepted.

A. not to be filled      B. not filled     C. not being filled        D. not having been filled

88. It was not until the entrance exams were in sight that__________ that I had so many books to

cover and so many exercises to finish.

A. I realized                  B. did I realize               C. had I realized            D. I had realized

89. __________ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.

A. When                 B. While                  C. As               D. Since

90. ---Surely you can turn to David for help.

---_______ He is the last one you can rely on.

A. Get out of it!                                 B. Is that right?

C. I couldn’t agree more.                    D. It’s up to you.

91According to ________ announcement by Guangzhou Price Bureau, _________ new measures which have been taken recently are expected to cut the operation costs of each taxi driver by 1280 yuan

Athe; 不填            Ban; the        C.不填 ; the       Dan; 不填

92. ----Did you remember to pay the telephone bill?

-----The telephone bill? ____________.

AThat isn’t due yet.                           BAre you sure?

CMy telephone is out of order.                   DPlease remember the amount.

93. Jim was not _________ to the club, because at that time he was not a member of it.

Aallowed                Bpermitted           Cadmitted             Dpromoted

94.After the Shenzhou VI capsule (太空舱 ) touched down, two astronauts succeeded in traveling around the earth, thus again __________ China is a global space power.

Aproving               Bto prove              Cto have proved       Dbeing proved

95. Generous public funding of basic science would _________ a good many benefits for the country’s health, wealth and security.

Aresult from          Blead to          Clie in           Dsettle down

96. Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered and a child rarely dislikes food __________ it is badly cooked

Aif                        Buntil                  Cthat                    Dunless

97. ----The Singaporean singer Stefanie Sun took the Most Popular Female Award in Hong Kong.

----But when she studied in middle school, no fans could have imagined how well she _______ in the world of entertainment. (孙燕姿)

Awould do              Bwas doing             Chad done              Ddid

98This river has changed its course many times. It _________ always located where it ________ at present.

Aisn’t; is               Bisn’t; will be        Cwasn’t; is         Dwasn’t; has been

99. The film brought the hours back to me __________ I was taken good care of in that far- away village.

Auntil                    Bthat                     Cwhen                   Dwhere

100. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ___________ a goal.

Ahad scored           Bscored                  Cwould score     Dwould have scored\


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